well i've really let this blog go |
l up here. We had some good progress at least before shutting down. The electrical and plumbing rough-ins have passed their inspections. No HVAC and this terrible mason who would appear for an hour or two at a time hast some how not been able to comlete about 3 days worth of work in the past 2 months. The little cabin that was supposed to be essentially finshed has turned out to be terribly cold- no insulation below and nothing in th huge gaps that moss Log Homes left in all corners and at the union of the floor and walls. Turns out thatMoss log
Homes also manged to leave only 8-14" of crawlspace under about half of the cabin as well as somehow getting a roof on the thing that is 17" lower than the original roof- that's why anyone taller than 5'6" hits their head on the ceiling upstairs in the loft. We were able to get the bulk of the big cherry milled into two inch boards that will become interior window trim. Since we have essentialy run thru the the money for the renovation witht he thing far from finished, the years it will take to cure the moisture out of this special lumber seems now like a gift not a hurdle. The weather sits on us like a ball and chain too- its bot been this cold or this snwoy in the region in 20 years.

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