Saturday, October 9, 2010

been a while

COSTS PER SQ FT for the tiny 330 sq ft arts colony cabin i live in now exceed $1000/ft sq.
i dont know whether to be sad or humiliated. I knew Moss Log Homes was ripping muy mom off as she sent check after check out. The latest in the mezs is that the dumbass thief masquerading as builder did not actually bothger to sdee the chinking installed correctly. NOW ITS FALLING OUT OF THE WALLS- just in time for winter.

I'll explain this later along with example of top quality chink wqiork on 10 Huckleberry Mtn done by Phil at Sun Painters, Hendersonville, NC

1 comment:

  1. The better do so wood work as i found it a necessity to stay in a log-cabin during winter.
